Keep it simple stupid.

How to enter a drug model in Kinetics©

Vancomycin 1-compartment model

  1. First, you will need to be using build 1.1.6 or higher, improved error checking was added, also previous versions had trouble displaying newly created models.

  2. Start the Edit drug model function by clicking File then Edit from the menu bar or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E.

  3. Click the add button on the database toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A.

  4. Enter the following data in the appropriate fields. You may, of course, use numbers for Vd and Kel which are better suited for your patients.

    Field Data Notes
    Drug name Vancomycin 1cpt Must be a unique name
    Model type 1 1-compartment model
    Vd peripheral 0.5 Volume of distribution
    Age correct 1 Vd correction for elderly
    Wt correct 0.4 Vd correction for obesity
    Target PK 30 Target peak level
    Target TR 5 Target trough level
    Infusion 60 Infusion rate in minutes
    Renal .0022 From the Kel equation
    Kel = Nonrenal + (CrCl x Renal)
    Nonrenal .009 From the Kel equation
    Kel = Nonrenal + (CrCl x Renal)
    QD Dose 40 Warning flag for max dose per day
    MIC 5 Minimum inhibibitory concentration
    SD VD .2 SD for Vd
    Required for Bayesian
    SD Kel .4 SD for Kel
    Required for Bayesian
    CP1 .025 Serum level assay error polynomial
    Required for Bayesian
    CP2 .01 Serum level assay error polynomial
    Required for Bayesian
    CP3 .0005 Serum level assay error polynomial
    Required for Bayesian
    CPfixed .65 Serum level assay error polynomial
    Required for Bayesian

  5. Click "Exit" and the program will ask if you want to save the new model, of course you will click yes to save your work.

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