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for Windows™ Desktop - Palm OS™
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TPNassist© is a clinical tool for pharmaceutical care which combines comprehensive data-base functions and nutritional assessment into a single user-friendly package.

Features of TPNassist©

  • PalmOS "lite" version . . .
  • Enteral and parenteral nutrition management
  • Calculate nutritional requirements
  • Calculate nutritional monitoring parameters
  • HIPAA compliance
  • Comprehensive patient database management*
  • Calcium:Phosphate solubility curves*
  • Aluminum content calculation*
  • TPN wizard*
  • Laboratory and anthropometric monitoring*
  • Reports include:
    • TPN worksheet*
    • TPN and Enteral labels*
    • TPN and Enteral assessment*
    • TPN and Enteral Rx*
    • Lab trends*
  • Context sensitive help*

    * Denotes features of the Windows version which are not applicable to the PDA version.

System requirements for TPNassist©

Windows Desktop
Operating Systems
32- and 64-bit WindowsTM OS:
Vista, 7, 8, 10

128 MB of RAM
30 MB of available hard disk space

Palm OS
Operating Systems
Palm OSTM v3.0 or higher
Palm OSTM v5 ready

250 KB (0.3MB) of free RAM

Tested on the following PalmOS devices:

  • Handspring Visor, Treo
  • Palm III, V, VII, m105, m505, Tungsten, Zire
  • Samsung SPH i500
  • Sony Clie
  • Symbol 1500, Symbol 1740
We know of no reason why it will not work with all Palm 3.x or higher units.

View TPNassist© screens

View TPNassist© for Windows reports

Download TPNassist© for PalmOS

TPNassist© for PalmOS is not a demo or a trial version, it is a fully functioning program which does not expire. This program is marketed under the shareware concept. Shareware is distributed electronically and not on hard media. Although this program does not expire, it may have some features disabled. Shareware is "try it before you buy it" software, which gives you the opportunity to try the software, and determine if it fits your needs. If you find the program useful, then please register your copy to support the author's efforts.

Register TPNassist© for PalmOS

If you find the program useful then please register your copy to support the author's efforts, the registration fee for a single seat license is a very modest $25. You will receive a serial number to register your copy which will remove the start up delay and enable extra features.

Request the Windows Desktop trial version

The Windows Desktop trial version is fully functional but will cease to operate after the 60 day trial period.

Please note! The demo is a very large download requires considerable time to download, depending upon the speed of your internet connection.

If your request is approved, you will receive via return email, the address and instructions for downloading the demo. You will then have 48 hours to download the trial version.

Order TPNassist© for Windows Desktop

TPNassist© for Windows Desktop is priced well below other comprehensive nutritional support programs. The reason is simple, no advertising expense: no slick brochures, bulk mailings, or journal ads.

Pricing structure

The price of TPNassist© for Windows depends on the intended use:

Other Windows Desktop TPN software

Links to TPN software from other vendors:

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RxKinetics, Plattsburg, MO 64477