Use of the Information this Site Gathers/Tracks
We review the information in some cases (e.g. IP address logs for file transfers),
while in others we may use the information to tailor our users` web experience and to
generate anonymous statistics. Any log file analysis we do is to monitor general trends
in our site traffic.
Personal information, such as names and addresses, is used to contact
those who have requested information and to send them mailings. The RxKinetics site
generally stores no information about its visitors, with the exception of basic logging
for site statistics (just machine addresses, not personal email addresses), and information
provided by users who fill out our online email, order, discussion board, or support forms.
Sharing of the Information this Site Gathers/Tracks
RxKinetics does not share personally identifiable information with anyone.
Opt-out Policy
RxKinetics allows users to opt-out of receiving further communications by replying to
e-mail and putting "unsubscribe" in the subject. Alternatively, any user who wishes
to opt out of receiving further communications can send an email to
and request that they be removed from our mailing list.
Correct/Update Policy
Any user who wishes to update their information can send an email to
and provide their corrected information.
Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE or "SPAM")
Unsolicited commercial email (UCE) messages of any nature are prohibited.
RxKinetics does not tolerate the abuse of its servers for the relaying or
delivery of any sort of UCE or any other unsolicited messages sent in bulk.
Furthermore, RxKinetics does not allow ts staff to send any unsolicited bulk email,
commercial or otherwise.
RxKinetics does not operate open mail relays. Our mail servers
are configured to accept and relay mail for our staff only.
If you believe you have received UCE from or relayed through RxKinetics, please send
email to