Digoxin bibliography


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1.Jusko WJ, et al. Pharmacokinetic design of digoxin dosage regimens in relation to renal function. J Clin Pharmacol 1974;14:525-35.
2.Koup JR, et al. Digoxin pharmacokinetics: role of renal failure in dosage regimen design. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1975;18:9-21.
3.Walsh FM, Sode J. Significance of non-steady-state serum digoxin concentrations. Am J Clin Pathol 1975;63:446-50.
4.Dobbs SM, Mawer GE. Prediction of digoxin dose requirements. Clin Pharmacok 1977;2:281-91.
5.Koda-Kimble MA: Congestive heart failure, in Applied Therapeutics for Clinical Pharmacists, 2nd ed, edited by MA Koda-Kimble et al, Applied Therapeutics, Inc, San Francisco 1978; pp 161-86.
6.Thomas RW, Maddox RR. The interaction of spironolactone and digoxin: a review and evaluation. Ther Drug Monit 1981;3:117-20.
7.Klein HO, et al. The influence of verapamil on serum digoxin concentration. Circul 1982;65:998-1003.
8.Hyneck ML, et al. Comparison of methods for estimating digoxin dosing regimens. AJHP 1981;38:69-73.
9.Bigger JT. The quinidine-digoxin interaction. Mod Con Card Dis 1982;51:73-78.
10.Lalonde RL, Pao D. Correlation coefficient versus prediction error in assessing the accuracy of digoxin dosing methods. Clin Pharm 1984;3:178-83.
11.Reuning RH, Garaets DR. "Digoxin", in Evans W, Schentag J, Jusko J (eds): Applied Pharmacokinetics. Applied Therapeutics, Inc, San Francisco 1986; pp 908-43.


See also:


Monitoring parameters


Pharmacokinetic formulas


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