Keep it simple stupid.

Comparison of RxKinetics pk software

(click for definition)
APK© Kinetics©
Drug model database
Context-aware help
Serum level plots
HIPAA compliant
Supports international numeric formats
Patient database
Report writer
Population analysis
Multi-user enabled
Pediatric dosing
Bayesian analysis
1-compartment models
Extended interval "once-daily"
aminoglycoside dosing
Pre-steady-state analysis
2-compartment models
Digoxin model
Heparin model
Theophylline model
Dosing tables

License Antibiotic
APK© * Kinetics© *
Personal use license $ 25 $ 75 $100*
Single seat license $125 $150 $250*
Site (network) license $125 $390*
($550* w/PDA)
Enterprise license please inquire please inquire please inquire

*Academic discount available

Platform comparison

Antibiotic Kinetics, is offered, in separate versions, for these platforms:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows 32/64-bit (95/98/Me and NT/2000/XP/7/10)

APK, is offered for these platforms:

  • Windows 32/64-bit (95/98/Me and NT/2000/XP/7/10)


  • Windows 32/64-bit (95/98/Me and NT/2000/XP/7/10)

Patient database comparison

Antibiotic Kinetics© does not save patient data or keep a history of your pk consults. Antibiotic Kinetics© is a simplified pk dosage calculator only, it does not keep records.

Kinetics© and APK© each have an integrated patient database designed to keep a permanent patient history and record of consults. They differ somewhat in their database implementation.

APK© has two patient tables, active and inactive. Patients are discharged from the database when they are off service, but may be reactivated. Kinetics© patients are listed in a single data table.

Kinetics© saves serum level data for all consults, whereas APK© only saves serum levels from the most recent consult.

Both Kinetics© and APK© save a summary of each printed consult for reporting purposes.

Models and serum level analysis methods

Antibiotic Kinetics©
AG's: steady-state 1 or 2 point method, non-steady-state 2 or 3-point method, extended interval method.
Vancomycin: steady-state 2 point method, non-steady-state 2 or 3-point method.

AG's: steady-state 1 or 2 point methods, non-steady-state 2 or 3-point method, extended interval method.
Vancomycin: steady-state 1 or 2 point methods, non-steady-state 2 or 3-point method.

AG's: steady-state 1 or 2 point methods, non-steady-state 2 or 3-point method, extended interval method.
Vancomycin: steady-state 1 or 2 point methods, non-steady-state 2 or 3-point method.
Digoxin: steady-state single-point linear method.
Heparin: steady-state single-point linear method.
Theophylline: non-steady-state 2-point method, steady-state single-point linear method.

Patient population

Kinetics© is targeted for adults only, the minimum age supported by Kinetics is 12 years.

Antibiotic Kinetics© and APK© support adults, peds and infants over 2kg.

None of our programs should be used in neonates.

Network (LAN) considerations

Antibiotic Kinetics© is a single user program. It is not designed for data sharing.

Kinetics© and APK© are both multi-user enabled programs, they differ somewhat in their network installation.

  • Kinetics© uses Microsoft's Jet database and is closely tied in with Windows, therefore, it must be installed on each PC, with the database copied to the server.
  • APK© on the other hand is a completely self-contained program. It may be installed on the server and each PC connected to your network can access it with a simple desktop shortcut.

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RxKinetics, Plattsburg, MO 64477